Reinforcement learning

Theo Culhane & Jessica Zhang

Reinforcement learning, or learning through trial and error, is a central part of our understanding of how humans make judgements and decisions. It has recently gained public interest due to advances in artificial intelligence based on the principles behind learning by trial and error. In this chapter, we will start out with a brief look at the history of thinking on reinforcement learning in Psychology, including the work of Rescorla and Wagner in 1972 on how reinforcement affects Pavlovian conditioning, followed by a look at the history of reinforcement learning becoming an important part of research on artificial intelligence, looking at Sutton and Barto’s Reinforcement Learning from 1998. Then, we will examine computational methods of reinforcement learning and how they have evolved since the first edition of Sutton and Barto’s book. We will then consider how our understanding of reinforcement learning has evolved with advances in knowledge about the dopamine system, looking both at the history of dopamine studies and modern thinking about the dopamine system as it relates to reinforcement learning, and finally explore the ways in which dopamine studies and computational research have influenced one another.

Overview of reinforcement learning history

Much of the current understanding of how reinforcement learning works stems from the ideas first formalized in Rescorla and Wagner’s 1972 paper A theory of Pavlovian conditioning: Variations in the effectiveness of reinforcement and nonreinforcement. Though Rescorla and Wagner were studying classical conditioning and not decision making, their theory of how conditioning affects how an animal (or human) judges the value of a particular situation has become the basis for the more complex formulations of how a human judges a situation and decides the optimal action. Their formula, called the Rescorla-Wagner Model, has several complex parameters, but simplified for brevity posits the equation that:

\[v\_X^{t+1} = v\_X^t + alpha(v\_X^{observed\_t} - v\_X^t)\]

where \(v\_X^{t}\) is the estimation of value of situation X at time t, \(\\alpha\) is a constant learning rate between 0 and 1 that determines the tradeoff between speed and stability of an estimate, and \(v\_X^{observed\_t}\) is an observation of how valuable situation X is in a particular instance t (Rescorla and Wagner 1972). This basic premise has then been incorporated into algorithms such as temporal difference learning, which incorporates an aspect of future actions and past actions into an estimate of the value of a particular circumstance, which is used in reinforcement learning to decide what action should be taken in order to maximize expected value (Sutton and Barto 2018). This idea of looking into the past and future was then taken to another level in the Q Learning algorithm, in which the specific action taken from a particular state is also taken into account in the evaluation of the expected reward, instead of just trying to estimate the particular value that a state has independent of what is then done in that state. 

In Q Learning, we build up a table of the expected value of taking every particular state-action pair in a given system, systematically downweighting expected values further in the future to represent our uncertainty about the future. We then decide what actions we should take using this table, generally using some kind of system that takes the action with the highest expected value most of the time, and tests out other actions to make sure our estimates for them are correct a small amount of the time (Sutton and Barto 2018).

Q-learning matrix

(A example of the Q-learning matrix across training. Originally published at by LearnDataSci, 2018. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License; No changes made.)

More recently, as Q learning is used in more complex environments, building a table that contains all possible state-action pairs is infeasible, since the complexity leads to too many state-action pairs for a computer to realistically store. Therefore, more recent Q learning models, such as that used by Google in Alpha Go, which beat human grandmasters in the board game Go, have used more complex systems, such as deep neural networks, to estimate the expected value of actions. This allows a model that generalizes to states or state-action pairs that it has never seen before, and is able to generalize state-action pairs it has seen before so it never needs to explicitly store each one. This greatly increases the efficiency of the model, at the possible cost of accuracy. However, because the efficiency is so much greater, modern thinking is that this possible decrease in accuracy is worth it.

Computational methods overview

One of the simplest types of computational reinforcement learning is called the Multi Armed Bandit (MAB). In this problem, let us imagine that we have a machine with k possible levers, each of which, when pulled, will give a random reward with a specific mean. Before pulling any levers, we have no knowledge of what reward this might be, but we know we want to maximize the long term reward we get. Therefore, we must determine which levers to pull, and decide our tradeoff between exploiting the best lever we have found and trying to find out whether another lever might be better in the long term. For a more concrete example, imagine a machine with two levers, one of which gives a random reward uniformly between 1 and 10 when pulled, and one of which gives a reward of 3 90% of the time and 200 the other 10% of the time. If we started out pulling each lever 4 times, we might expect to see perhaps a reward of 2, 6, 8, and 4 from the first lever, and 4 rewards of 3 from the second lever. Therefore, we might conclude that, to maximize our reward, we should pull the first lever and get our mean of 5 reward, leaving on the table the actual expected reward from lever 2 of 22.7 had we bothered to just keep exploring. However, if instead lever 2 had just always given a reward of 3, our first 4 trials would have been the same, and our choice of always choosing lever 1 would be the correct one. This illustrates the basic premise of the MAB, which then prescribes complex mathematical formulas to optimize this exploration/exploitation tradeoff (Sutton and Barto 2018).

This then brings us to another important concept in computational reinforcement learning, which is the distinction between online and offline learning. In offline learning, we are given a pre-existing dataset, and attempt to decide on the best actions to take at any particular time using only that dataset. By contrast, in online learning, we see new examples to learn about one at a time, and try to learn as they come in, and then apply this new learning to inform our exploration of what actions we should test out. This is more akin to what humans do, but has several drawbacks. For one, because learning starts when the first example is seen, there is the possibility that learning will start off in the wrong direction, and then since future learning is informed by the earlier learning, the entire learning process may go down an improper path, and only end up back the right path with a certain amount of luck, but no guarantee. Secondly, because the entire dataset isn’t seen before learning occurs, the results can be a lot less stable. In other words, since the basic makeup of the dataset is likely to change over time, the results of learning can become outdated, or random anomalies in the data can take the learning down an unexpected path, similar to the first drawback. However, because it is more alike with how humans learn, online learning is more informative for studying human reinforcement learning and decision making than offline learning is.

Influence of Computational Research on Dopamine Studies

Reinforcement learning has its roots in animal learning in psychology, which examines the relationship between events and animal responses to them. The concept of reinforcement learning can be thought of as the strengthening of relationships between events that result in animal satisfaction and those animal responses, and the weakening of relationships between events that cause animal discomfort and those responses.

Reinforcement learning research is valuable because it is a parallel to animal decision-making and can help us understand our decision-making processes in the face of reward and punishment. Instrumental conditioning in animal behavior, or conditioning that involves increasing the probability of reward and decreasing the probability of punishment, is the essence of how reinforcement learning works (Dickinson 2010). Pavlovian conditioning, or classical conditioning, is considered a prototype for prediction learning within reinforcement learning (Niv 2009). The behavioral processes behind conditioning are computationally complex, and reinforcement learning provides a framework for understanding them. This means that reinforcement learning models both provide an explanation for animal behavior, help generate predictions based on optimal behavior, and suggest actions to achieve optimization.

Reinforcement learning models also help build an understanding of dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in many neurological disorders including Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, and depression (Bhandari 2019). This understanding has implications for potentially treating these conditions, which could ameliorate the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Specifically, studies of animal brains via electrophysiological recordings, lesion studies, and pharmacological manipulations have linked reinforcement learning to particular neural substrates including dopamine while revealing that reward prediction errors exist (Niv 2009).

The process in which reward prediction errors are generated is a key aspect of temporal difference learning, a reinforcement learning process that extends the Rescorla-Wagner model to also account for the timing of different events. In this process, a learning system aims to estimate the values of different states based on predicted rewards or punishments (Niv 2009). Temporal difference prediction errors occur when unpredicted significant events happen and are similar to dopamine reward prediction errors (Niv 2009). Dopamine neurons fire early in training in response to an unexpected reward, known as an unconditioned stimulus, but not once that stimulus becomes expected, or conditioned, over time (Niv 2009). When a reward is expected and not fulfilled, dopamine neuron firings dip below the baseline, and this is known as a negative reward prediction error (Niv 2009). It is notable that dopaminergic responses and temporal difference learning are both able to account for delayed rewards and discounted future rewards. Thus, examining the nuances in temporal difference prediction errors is useful because it allows us to better understand dopamine reward prediction errors, which helps pinpoint dopaminergic targets in a medical context.

Reinforcement learning has been powerful in bringing together computation, algorithm, and implementation, and the ways in which it has facilitated our understanding of neurological investigations has been invaluable (Niv 2009). As reinforcement learning and neurological research continue to inform one another, we may consider how the synergy of the two can accelerate breakthroughs in other fields.


Dickinson A. (2010) Instrumental Conditioning. In: Stolerman I.P. (eds) Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Niv, Y (2009). Reinforcement learning in the brain. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 53, 139-154. (2)

Rescorla, R. A. and Wagner, A. R. (1972). A theory of Pavlovian conditioning: Variations in the effectiveness of reinforcement and nonreinforcement. In Black, A. H. and Prokasy, W. F., editors, Classical Conditioning II: Current Research and Theory. Appleton Century Crofts, New York.

Sutton, R. S. and Barto, A. G. (1998). Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. Bradford Books, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.